
Acts 2:44-46

Digging Deeper


“In enacting these C's, we will give the world a taste of glory divine, a glimpse of glory. The church will then become like a movie trailer that gives a preview of the movie to come."

"CARE is about exercising authority and responsibility with people and resources that bring about the functionality and flourishing of life."

“This kind of CARE images God and thus glorifies Him and gives witness to Him and His kingdom.”

Many professions come to mind when thinking of caring. One of these professions is the field of nursing. Sister Simon Roach developed a caring scale for nurses in 1992. This scale provides a framework as nurses practice the art and science of nursing. The elements of caring on the Roach scale for nursing are compassion, competence, conscience, confidence, commitment, comportment and creativity. 

Just like in nursing, Christian care is intentional and relational as we walk together in faith, hope and love, building each other up into maturity in Christ. Christian care for others is driven by the love that God has shown each of us. As believers, we are to reflect God's love and glory to others. 

Every believer is responsible for Christian CARE. We can demonstrate it by:

  • Being compassionate - comforting those who are hurting.

  • Edifying - building one another up in our faith.

  • Praying - lifting up requests and needs.

  • Listening - empathetically asking good questions.

  • Generously giving - our time, our resources and ourselves.

Most of all, we need to observe and practice the example of Jesus and how He cared for others, especially those who were hurting, in need or marginalized. “And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased." Hebrews 13:16. 


Main points: 

  • Jesus expects His Church to CARE for God's people along with the resources He provides in a manner that gives witness to His Kingdom.

  • Jesus expects His Church to CARE for God's people and resources in a way that demonstrably shares the good news with the world.

There are four ways Jesus' Church should CARE for God's people and resources. (Acts 2:44–45)

1. We CARE for creation and its resources by stewarding them for God's glory and others' good. 

Three ways that sin damaged and distorted how we CARE for creation and its resources:

1) We will ABUSE creation and resources for our own pleasure and enjoyment.

2) We will USE creation and resources for our own glory and purpose. 

3) We will CONFUSE creation and resources as objects of worship and adoration. 

Jesus comes, and He will redeem how we view creation and its resources and thus the way we use creation and its resources. (1 Corinthians 10:31; Ephesians 5:18)


As God's people, we are to CARE for creation and its resources.

- That's why we CARE for Northland's building, facilities and all the items within that God has given us.

- That's why we CARE for the homes, the vehicles and the possessions He has given us.

- That's why we CARE for animals and the environment that He has given us for our enjoyment.

2. We CARE for God's redeemed people by meeting needs that have been brought about by sin. 

  • Sin unraveled the functionality and flourishing of creation and our bodies, which are dying and in decay. 

  • God has always, since the Fall, wanted to work through His people and give the world a glimpse of His Kingdom.

  • Jesus demonstrates the love and power of God's Kingdom in CARING for the physical and emotional needs of God's people who have experienced the devastating effects of sin.

  • After Jesus gives birth to His Church and sends the disciples out on mission, the Church is to pick up where Jesus left off. 

Principle about God meeting the needs of His people through His people:

-Meeting needs as God's people is not about giving handouts but hand-ups. 

-Paul says to do good for all—especially the household of God. (Galatians 6:10)

-The goal of CARE is the functionality with glimmers of flourishing in God's people until we depart from this life or Jesus comes back.

3. We CARE for God's redeemed people by seeing them as our new family in Jesus. 

Jesus brings about a new creation, a new human being, a new humanity/human race, and thus a new family.

The idea of CARING, the idea of seeing ourselves as part of Jesus' new family, means: 

• Identify with one another. (1 Corinthians 12)

• Love one another unconditionally. (Agape) (John 13:34–35; 17:20–23; 1 Corinthians 13; 1 John 2:9–10; 3:16; 4:7–12)

• Unite with one another in our diversity. (Galatians 3:28; Philippians 2:1–5) 


4. We CARE for God's redeemed people by sacrificially giving our time, talents and treasures for the construction (building up) of Jesus' body. 

To CARE for God's Temple, we will have to sacrificially give:

• Our Time—by not forsaking the gathering of God's people. (Hebrews 10:25)

• Our sacrifices of praise and service to God's people. (Romans 12; 1 Corinthians 12; 1 Peter 4:10)

• A portion of our finances and possessions to God's people (Acts 2:45, 11:29–30, 20:35; 1 Corinthians 9:14; 2 Corinthians 8, 9:6; Philippians 4:15–16; 1 Timothy 5:17)



 The C's matter because we gravitate to what attracts us.

  • In enacting these C's—Connect, Cultivate and Care, we will give the world a taste of glory divine, a glimpse of glory. The church will then become like a movie trailer that gives a preview of the movie to come.

  • CARE is about exercising authority and responsibility with people and resources that bring about the functionality and flourishing of life. 

  • This kind of CARE images God and thus glorifies Him and gives witness to Him and His kingdom


This week, pray about caring for others and pick one way to care for someone uniquely. Be intentional about what you plan to do to provide care. Look for ways to demonstrate the love God has given you to the person you are caring for. Pray that God will allow you to pray with the person you care for and share the Gospel. 


  • Who is your best caregiver, and why are they so good at caring?

  • What are some specific ways we can care for God's people and resources?

  • What does the Bible teach about the family of God caring for others?

  • How did Jesus model caregiving during His ministry?

  • Who is God placing on your heart that you need to care for this week?


  • Day 1: CARE by Being Compassionate-Colossians 3:12; 1 Peter 3:8; Ephesians 4:32

  • Day 2: CARE by Edifying-Colossians 3:16; Ephesians 4:29; 1 Thessalonians 5:11

  • Day 3: CARE by Praying-Ephesians 6:18; Colossians 1:9; James 5:16

  • Day 4: CARE by Listening-Philippians 2:4; James 1:19-20; Proverbs 12:15

  • Day 5: CARE by Generously Giving-1 Timothy 6:17-19; Proverbs 11:24-25; Psalms 112:5


Lord, I want to love and care for others as you have loved me. May my eyes be open to see where you need me to act as Your hands and feet here on earth. Give me compassion and empathy for others who need a kind word or a tender touch. As I pray for others, provide divine insight through the power of the Holy Spirit so that I can care, represent You and Your kingdom well, and share the greatest gift of all, which is salvation through King Jesus, my Lord and Savior. 


-CARE for People and Resources at Northland - Information  

-CARE through Serving Others (Towel Holders) 

-CARE by Living Generously

-Sign up for the Take Two newsletter



