Lessons in Mission

Acts 16:9, 25-30

Digging Deeper


“Every Christian needs to love the Church's Ministry and the Church's Mission."

“Look for the lost so that they may be found. Found people look for lost people."

“Our songs in darkness shine Jesus' light for salvation."

Paul had great ideas for furthering God's mission on his second missionary journey. He wanted to follow up with those new believers who had become believers. Paul wanted to see how these new believers were progressing in their faith and ensure they were rooted in sound teaching and doctrine. 

As Paul traveled, he always sought new opportunities to share the Gospel. He looked for believers he could disciple who could learn and carry on spreading the Gospel alongside him. When Paul came to Lystra, he connected with Timothy, who was like Paul's beloved son. 

Interestingly, while Paul and his companions desired to go into Asia and Bithynia, the Holy Spirit did not allow them to go there. Paul did have a vision of a man asking them to come and preach the Gospel in Macedonia in Northern Greece. So, they paid attention to this vision, followed this calling and set out for Macedonia.

As we travel through our faith journey, it is vital that we, like Paul, stay sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. We do not know why the Holy Spirit did not allow Paul to go to Asia and Bithnia. All we know is that Paul faithfully listened and changed direction as the Holy Spirit led. We must also stay in step with God's plans through the power of the Holy Spirit. In this way, God can use us to be on mission for Him as we serve Him and others who are lost and need to hear the Gospel according to His plan. 


Main Point:

Lessons enhance our understanding and, if enacted, make us more effective in our mission.

We learn lessons when we are interested in the topic at hand, or when we love the

area the lesson is about.

Every Christian needs to love the Church's Ministry and the Church's Mission.

  • Ministry = Who we are and what we do within the Body.

  • Mission = Who we are and what we do within/to the World.

Four Lessons to Learn

Lesson #1—Contextualization (Acts 16:1-3)

Adopt methods to share the message. 

Why is Paul having Timothy circumcised? 

  • To contextualize the mission among the Jews.

  • To eliminate potential barriers to mission among the Jews when they go into synagogues.

Definition of Contextualization:

(1) Communicating the truth of God's Word and the Good News of Jesus into the heart

language of people that they may better understand who God is, what God says to

them and what God, in Christ, has done for them.

(2) Connecting with the cultural context of people so that you build bridges to

connect and communicate the truth of God's Word and the Good News of Jesus Christ.

There will be times:

  • To adapt the message to clearly communicate the Word and the Gospel.

  • To adopt some methods to clear the way to communicate the Word and the Gospel.

Lesson #2—Vision (Acts 16:9)

God gives His people visions to accomplish His mission.

A God-given dream or vision is a Holy Spirit-prompted communication that inspires people to fulfill some aspect of God's mission. 

  • God-given visions are Spirit-promoted communication; God-given visions are not Spirit-inspired revelation.

  • God-given visions will always facilitate some element of God's mission.

What is God's mission?

God is on mission to redeem a people from all peoples to reflect God's glory (his characteristics, attributes and nature) in all spheres of life. 

Lesson #3—Evangelism

Look for the lost so that they may be found.

Different kinds of lost people need to be found.

  • Some people are ready to be found—Lydia.

    • Today these people could be in church, dechurched, book clubs, business and leadership networks, clubs, readers, learners, counseling or searching and those who are religiously unaffiliated.

    • These people are ready to be found and place their faith in Jesus as Savior and King.

  • Some people need to be freed to be found—Slave Girl.

    • They could be enslaved spiritually and socially in and by sin and don't even know they are lost. 

    • They need to be freed in order to be found by Jesus. 

    • Ministries are needed to care for those who are enslaved.

    • A word of caution about ministry to those who need to be freed to be found. In engaging in gospel ministry, we must be aware of spiritual warfare. 

      • For every gospel action, there is an attempt by the spiritual forces of darkness to provide an equal and opposite reaction. 

      • Gospel ministry causes friction as it elicits the forces in opposition to the gospel to react. 

Lesson #4—Suffering (Dark Nights)

Our songs in darkness shine Jesus' light for salvation. 

Paul and Silas find themselves in jail for preaching the gospel, for freeing a young slave girl—spiritually and socially. Kind of a bad day; a dark night. 

You've been serving God faithfully. You've been faithful at trying to be a witness, to be salt and light to others, yet you are experiencing a bad season, a dark night. How do you respond?

Paul and Silas responded. 

  • And started with perspective.

  • Which led to prayer.

  • And in addition to prayer they were singing songs of praise.

It was important for Paul and Silas to respond this way because other prisoners were listening to them, and people were watching.

Prayer and praise have the power to not only free us from the dark night but they have the power to free others.

God uses our response to suffering to bring about the jailor's and his family's salvation.

4 Lessons and Takeaways of mission we learn from Paul in Acts 16

  • Contextualization enhances gospel ministry.

  • God-given visions direct us toward fruitful mission.

  • Found people look for lost people.

  • Suffering may be the catalyst for someone else's salvation. 

All these four lessons will enhance our understanding and make us more effective at mission. 


During this week, be sensitive to lessons showing where God is leading and directing your steps. Determine what doors God is opening for you, and also be aware of areas where God is holding you back. Take time to read your Bible, spend some time with God in prayer, or find time to journal about the spiritual place you are in your life as you listen for and seek God's direction. Look for ways to be in community with other mature believers who can encourage you and affirm what God is teaching you and God's plans for your life. 


  • What is your favorite song to sing when you have a bad day?

  • Explain what contextualization is and how it applies to Paul having Timothy circumcised.

  • What role did the Holy Spirit and a vision play in Paul's plans?

  • How did Paul and Silas respond to the dark time they experienced in prison, and how did their response make a difference?

  • What does Acts 16:1-10 teach about Paul?


  • Day 1: Paul: Philippians 3:4-6; Galatians 1:13-15; 2 Corinthians 11:22-30; I Corinthians 15:9-10

  • Day 2: Silas: Acts 15:26; 1 Peter 5:12; Acts 16:19-20

  • Day 3: Timothy: 1 Corinthians 4:17; 1 Thessalonians 3:6; 2 Timothy 1:7 

  • Day 4: Luke: Colossians 4:14; 2 Timothy 4:11; Philemon 1:24

  • Day 5: Holy Spirit: John 16:13; 1 Corinthians 2:10-14; Galatians 5:16-18


Lord, like Paul, I want to be sensitive to what I need to learn and to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Help me go where you want me to go and avoid situations that are not your will for me. As you guide me through my week, my heart is tender and open to learn from you and do your will. l want to avoid wandering off in a direction that is not right and does not bring glory to King Jesus. Open my eyes so I can faithfully walk the path you have intended for me with courage and strength. I thank you for your guidance and protection as you lead me every step of the way. 




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